
June 17, 2020

Pension Risk Transfer: Plan Terminations, Buyouts, Lift-Outs and Buy-Ins

Pension risk transfer (PRT) helps companies deliver on their promises. It can take several forms, all with the goal of ensuring the financial security of a company’s employees, past or present, who are enrolled in the plan. We’ll look at buyouts and buy-ins, plan terminations, and lift-outs, and why a company’s CFO might take one...
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PRT Deals Can Have ‘Positive Impact’ on Companies’ Market Values

The share prices of companies that have transferred their pension obligations to an insurer typically perform better than their peers', according to analysis by Mercer. The firm found that in general, undertaking a pension risk transfer (PRT) does not appear to be hindrance, with “reasonable evidence” that it can have a positive impact on the...
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