Pension risk transfer (PRT) transactions are becoming more popular as a way to offload pension liabilities and focus on core business. However, with their complexity, PRT strategies can pose significant risks if mishandled. When looking to execute a PRT transaction, it’s essential to understand potential pitfalls and implement strategies to avoid them. Here’s a concise...Read More
Planning for retirement is one of the most important financial decisions you will make. One of the most common retirement savings structures is the Defined Contribution (DC) plan, which plays a crucial role in ensuring financial security during your post-working years. Unlike traditional pension plans, where benefits are predetermined, DC plans place the responsibility of...Read More
For businesses managing employee pension plans, the decision to terminate a pension plan is complex and requires careful navigation. Whether you’re restructuring your business or facing financial challenges, the process involves legal, financial, and administrative considerations. This guide will outline what you need to know about pension plan termination, helping you stay compliant and protect...Read More
The DIETRICH online annuity calculator (DDQ) tool has provided thousands of plan sponsors, advisors and retiring participants with institutionally priced guaranteed income annuity quotes from top rated Department of Labor 95-1 compliant insurance companies over the past 20 years. Quotes are instant and direct from insurance company quote calculator engines. Today many 401k plan sponsors...Read More
A 2024 Pension Risk Transfer Industry Whitepaper by DIETRICH Seizing Opportunities in a Dynamic Market This whitepaper explores the evolving landscape of pension risk transfers (PRTs), covering not only the short-term trends from 2022-2024, but also the longer-term perspective of where the industry is going and the impact on plan sponsors, advisors and participants. Multiple...Read More
BerryDunn colleagues Markes Wilson and Susan Prior talk with Ian Koteles, of Dietrich, a uniquely positioned pension risk advocate. The topic? Reducing pension costs through various strategies, including risk mitigation and administrative efficiency.Read More
From the era of guaranteed lifetime pensions to the modern 401(k), pension risk transfers have become the linchpin connecting the past, present and future of retirement benefits – and allows firms to offload the burdensome legacy.Read More
Expanding on a partnership that goes back decades, Nationwide has announced they will assume liabilities for Pennsylvania Farm Bureau through a pension risk transfer (PRT) transaction for their defined benefit (DB) plan.Read More
In celebration of their 40th Anniversary, DIETRICH was awarded the honor of being featured in Business in Focus magazine, a leading global business magazine that provides quality coverage of truly inspiring companies who have achieved the highest standard in their field of expertise. Read More