The CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security) Act signed into law March 27 not only includes provisions related to defined contribution (DC) plans, but it also provides relief for defined benefit (DB) plan sponsors.Read More
The US single-premium pension buyout market set a record with 501 contracts sold in 2019, according to the LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute, and sales are expected to increase again this year as the markets become increasingly volatile as a result of the coronavirus.Read More
Supremex Inc., a leading North American manufacturer and marketer of envelopes and a growing provider of paper-based packaging solutions, today announced the purchase of a $46 million CAD group annuity buy-in with RBC Life Insurance Company.Read More
Plan sponsors will need to consider whether in 2020, as in 2019, stock market returns will be great enough to offset rising liabilities from interest rate decreases.Read More